guidence for parents

What you need to do as a parent

Know what motivates your child. As a parent, be an active part of their decision-making procedure to support them and ensure they make the right calls in life.

1. Discuss goals openly
Sit down and understand why your child wants to go abroad – whether it is career-driven or personal. It is important to know what exactly your child seeks in life to be able to guide and support them.
2. Stay informed
Take part in research about the courses they are interested in, universities they have been talking about and the kind of lifestyle they would most thrive in. This research will also include information on course curriculum, campus life and accommodations options available abroad.
3. Consider your challenges
Reach out to friends and family whose children have gone abroad. Ask them about the challenges you are likely to face and figure out how to deal with them. The thumb rule for this is “be as specific as you can” and ask all your queries.
4. Seek professional counselling
IDP has been helping students pursue their international education dreams for more than the last 50 years. If you have any doubts or concerns, we are more than happy to help you.
5. Know how much you will have to spend
5. Know how much you will have to spend Having an estimate of the costs involved in sending your kids abroad can help you make a better decision. However, it’s not just the tuition fee alone you should be calculating in your budget. Do weigh in other expenses such as accommodation, food, health coverage, communication and travel as well!
6. Make a detailed plan
Now that you have an overview of what goes into sending your child abroad, plan. Consider all factors including course and university selection, finances, visa, etc.
Once you have decided where your child would study and pursue which course, remember to consider:
7. Health comes first
Ensure to get your child’s general physical examination, dental check-up, and a gynaecological check-up (if applicable). If required, ensure they have all the relevant shots and boosters.
8. Travel safety is crucial
Yes, it’s worrisome to send your child thousands of kilometres away, and that’s why it is important to ensure their travel safety. Ensure your child is insured before they leave and sign up for a safety program.
You can check more information on your child’s travel safety to understand what’s best for them.
9. Plan your visits
Once your child has settled abroad, discuss with them and plan your visit abroad. This will help you spend some quality time and also give them that emotional support they need while adjusting in another country.
10. Keep in touch
It is important to stay connected with your child abroad as settling in a new country can be quite overwhelming. They’ll need both – your emotional support, as well as your guidance before they are settled properly.
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