We offer Non-Resident Indians as well as foreign national a complete range of services. We assist Non-Residents in managing their Investment Portfolio, Tax Returns, getting RBI clearances or complying with statutory obligations? We offer range of services including:

  • Tax Advisory Services.
  • Company Law Matters.
  • Investment Advisory.
  • Manage and maintain your accounts in India – you can be updated on a daily basis.
  • Prepare and file your Income Tax Returns.
  • Comply with RBI rules and regulations.
  • Other Customized Solutions.

We offer a complete range of service from the simple task of depositing your interest/dividend warrants in your account to preparing your accounts, filing tax returns and obtaining permission/clearances, advice on your investments and portfolio advisory services. All this is done by keeping you well informed on a daily basis through the Internet. In short, you are in control of your activities in India without having to be here. Receive statements, reports, accounts and any other information daily.